Organic Cotton Fashions

Organic Cotton Fashions Product details

Organic Cotton Fashions Product by:

At Indigreen, we care about sustainable values. That’s why we offer Organic cotton fashions and other natural textiles that are not only high-quality, but also produced by local artists who are paid fair wages. We use only non-toxic, eco-friendly dyes and paints, and we never compromise on quality when it comes to fit, texture, comfort, materials or anything else in our organic clothing line.

Most of the designs that Indigreen produces are made in very limited quantities. This means that there may be only 25 or 50 other people with the same design that you have, making it all the more special. Our clients are very important to us, and we offer excellent customer service; we want to be as fair and respectful to you as we are to our artisans and the environment.

Indigreen also supports your efforts to recycle and help others. If you send us a photo of you donating an Indigreen product to a needy person or recycling it into some other product, we will give you a percentage off of your next order! We strive to be friendly to the environment, and we want to help you achieve the same goal.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Organic Cotton Fashions information and ordering.

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