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The challenges have become clear: the need for clean water and air; affordable and reliable delivery of energy; the dwindling supply of fossil fuels; the reality of climate disruption and its implications for future generations.

At IBM, our approach is twofold: we are working to make our existing products and processes more efficient for both the environment and for business, while also developing new innovations that can accelerate the adoption of products and services that have lesser environmental impact.

Today's energy- and climate-related issues are at the top of our strategic agenda. We recognise that information technology plays an extremely important role in helping solve the myriad of ecological challenges faced by the global society—such as conserving our scarce resources even as global demand skyrockets, reducing pollution, minimising the environmental impact of our activities, and enabling safe and renewable alternative sources of energy.

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Technology and Consulting Firm Technology and Consulting Firm

One of the largest companies in the United States, International Business Machines Corporation, commonly known as IBM, is a technology and consulting firm. IBM ... more »

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